A public health education campaingn of the Department of Health (DOH) carrying the message BREASTFEEDINF TSEK! (Tama, Sapat at Eksklusibo) is a public health education campaign of DOH to encourage mothers to 'exclusively breastfeed' their babies and to educate them about the health benefits of breastfeeding. 

‘Exclusive breastfeeding’ means that mothers feed the baby nothing else but breast milk—no water, other liquid, infant formula, or food.

Called “Communication for Behavioral Impact (COMBI) on Exclusive Breastfeeding for six (6) months,” this comprehensive campaign was developed by DOH with the National Nutrition Council, the World Health Organization, the UNICEF, and other partner agencies. Breastfeeding from the first hour of life and exclusively until six months is one of the most effective strategies to prevent infant deaths. 


  1. One of the things that I have learned from my medical office assistant training is that brochures and posters of things like this in the hospital and distributed to the patients can really make a huge difference. Sometimes people tend to forget or get confused on the right SOP of things and having reminders for it is definitely a good hospital practice.

  2. expectant moms will be more incline to practice exclusive breastfeeding if they have brochures to read and checklist as their guide. Can i ask a soft copy of this checklist?

  3. Maam can i ask acopy of your tseklist card...thank you
